
Factors That Make Contoura Vision Laser Surgery a Better Option

Contoura Vision laser surgery  is the latest in advancement in specs removal treatment. It also uses laser but it goes beyond Lasik and SMILE treatments. The Contoura Vision corrects corneal irregularities in addition to correcting the specs power. Let’s quickly delve into the advantage of Contoura Vision and check its reliability in comparison to others US approves this treatment The US approved Contoura Vision laser surgery for treating common eye problems in 2016. The treatment got FDA approval after going through multiple quality tests including T-Cat LASIK Study. It came to India as the most trusted specs removal technology. With time, it is proved that Contoura Vision is also the safest eye surgery available. Better results The results achieved with Contoura Vision are much better in comparison to Lasik and SMILE. It isn’t that the regular laser surgery has become redundant but that the latest technology gives much better results. More chances of vision ...

Are There Any Hidden Benefits Of Lasik?

If you are happy that Lasik gave you freedom from contact lenses and glasses, the below listed benefits would make you jump with joy. Here’re the 5 hidden benefits of Lasik Cost saving in the long run Lasik is an investment that could cost you dearly depending on the factors like your physical condition and hospital stay. But in the long run, this investment would give you huge returns. For example, if you calculate the cost involved with testing eyesight and buying lenses and frames, you will find that the  Lasik surgery  would be financially beneficial in future. Improved confidence When You will get the confidence needed to go out unaided; play with your kids without any fear and do rough-housing job with interest. Whether you want to enjoy a movie with family or trying to wade through a busy market, you can do all these jobs with much ease after  Lasik surgery . Lasik treatment would have a positive effect on your personality. You will look more confid...

What is Glaucoma Treatment

The fact is that loss of vision due to  glaucoma treatment   is not reversible, but early treatment can decrease the eye pressure and stop the progression of the condition. Success of glaucoma treatment strictly depends on the stage when the condition is diagnosed, and the level of treatment provided. With early treatment, the deterioration of vision can be stopped with success. There are many glaucoma centers across the country like  that provides glaucoma tests and offer the best treatments for the conditions at a very reasonable charge.

Precaution To Be Taken After Cataract Eye Surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the most common procedures in India. We have all heard of someone in our family – parents, grandparents, uncle or aunts having to undergo cataract surgery. When you or your loved ones are handed a diagnosis of cataract and advised to undergo cataract operation, the very thought can give arise to a lot of questions, anxiety and fear. One major apprehension among this is what to expect after the  cataract surgery in Delhi . Cataract operation involves removing the natural eye lens which has become opaque with time and replacing it with artificial lens called IOL. Surgery is generally performed by technique called phacoemulsification. The stiches help faster healing and gentler recovery. Nevertheless all surgeries require some precautions to be taken. Here is the list of Do’s and Don’ts after the  cataract surgery in Delhi . Do’s Do contact your eye surgeon immediately if there is any problem with the eye You can start shaving after 3 rd ...

Lasik Laser Eye Surgery

Lasik laser eye surgery  is most recognized form of lens correction now days and is widely available in private clinics. But it is not the only type of eye corrective surgery as many alternatives are also there which are also popular among people due to low budgets, prescription and risk of permanent nature of surgery.

What is the Right Age to Opt for LASIK?

Different milestones are set for different age group. Driving, voting, getting married, retiring all has some pre-decided age. However, there is no marked age for opting for  LASIK surgery . Generally, LASIK is performed only after 18 years of age because before that age, eyes are believed to change and t keeps on changing until early adulthood. However, according to a survey report, LASIK has been performed on severe children having severe sight related problem. Still the most common age of going for LASIK comes between the ages of 20 to 40. LASIK  for 18–24 year olds Generally, individual above the age of 18 years are legally allowed to go for LASIK surgery. But still anyone ranging between 18-24 years of age can go for LASIK only after taking into consideration their previous vision history. LASIK must be performed by an experienced eye-surgeon for this age group. If the surgeon does not get satisfied with the report of the patient, he will not recommend LASIK and w...

Cause And Symptoms For Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease that harms the eye’s optic nerve. Without treatment, glaucoma can lead to irreversible, permanent vision loss. Reasons for glaucoma There is various type of glaucoma. Most happen when pressure in the eye that is also called intraocular increases, harming the optic nerves, however sometimes the optic nerve harm happens even when the pressure is normal. Different sorts of  glaucoma treatment in Delhi   are uncommon and are bought about by abnormal eye advancement, drugs, or eye infections, interruption of blood supply to eye, systemic disease and injury. Sometimes glaucoma is also known as “silent thief of sight” because the main side effect is a continuous loss of vision which most do not notice. When indications are available they may include: Nausea and vomiting Eye dryness Sudden loss of sight Halos around lights Blurred vision Glaucoma risk factor: Anybody can face this problem of glaucoma. But the major of risk includes Being...