Cause And Symptoms For Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease that harms the eye’s optic nerve. Without treatment, glaucoma can lead to irreversible, permanent vision loss.
Reasons for glaucoma
There is various type of glaucoma. Most happen when pressure in the eye that is also called intraocular increases, harming the optic nerves, however sometimes the optic nerve harm happens even when the pressure is normal. Different sorts of glaucoma treatment in Delhi are uncommon and are bought about by abnormal eye advancement, drugs, or eye infections, interruption of blood supply to eye, systemic disease and injury.
Sometimes glaucoma is also known as “silent thief of sight” because the main side effect is a continuous loss of vision which most do not notice. When indications are available they may include:
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Eye dryness
  • Sudden loss of sight
  • Halos around lights
  • Blurred vision
Glaucoma risk factor:
Anybody can face this problem of glaucoma. But the major of risk includes
  • Being at the age of 60 or more
  • A family of glaucoma
  • Oral contraceptive
  • Nearsightedness
  • Sleep apnea
  • Medical condition like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease
  • Long term corticosteroid medication use
Glaucoma diagnosis
Glaucoma is analyzed via a comprehensive eye exam performed by an eye specialist. Those at the high risk ought to plan a careful eye exam at an ophthalmology center every three to four months.
Treatment of glaucoma
The three fundamental treatment alternatives include eye drop, surgery, and laser treatment
Most medicine for glaucoma treatment in Delhi is found in the form of drops. Less generally, pills might be endorsed as a temporary measure. There is a assortment of medicines utilized as a part of the treatment and most work either by decreasing the amount of liquid produced by eye or enhancing drainage of eye fluid.
During the laser surgery of glaucoma at glaucoma treatment in Delhi, low energy light beams are used at the drainage channels of human eye to take into account better outflow, in this way, bring down the intraocular pressure. Thie methodologies are performed in your eye specialist’s office or at surgery center. Generally drops will also be required after laser surgery.
Surgery for glaucoma might be suggested when eye drops and laser methods failed to sufficiently diminish eye pressure. Some surgical systems used to enhance the eye’s drainage include the arrangement of shunt, stents or utilizing your own particular tissue to make another drain.


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